Unfortunately, after our last implementation workshop in week 06/2020, Face-to-Face workshops could no longer be held in the DEMAG Research Factory for 5 months due to the Covid-19-Pandemic.
For week 34/2020 there was a first ray of hope, because we could finally plan the sixth Face-to-Face Workshop. The prerequisites for this were a hygiene concept designed in advance and a reduced number of people in our Research Factory.
Due to the strict travel regulations and the hygiene measures to be observed on site, fewer partners than usual were able to participate in this workshop from 11th – 13th August 2020. This time Dr. Matthias Riedl and Duylam Tran from IFAK and Giuliano Persico and Bilal Moussawi from DEMAG took part. Nevertheless, it was a milestone for our OPTIMUM project, as it succeeded in realising the communication of floor-bound and floor-free machines (AGV & crane). We are happy that despite the current situation around the Coronavirus a Face-to-Face workshop could take place and this milestone could be realised. Many thanks especially to the partners of IFAK from Magdeburg, without this would not have been possible.
The next step is now to integrate the AGV into the digital twin of the Research Factory. We would be pleased if this could be done again soon in a Face-to-Face workshop with the relevant partners, so that we can jointly achieve and make visible further project goals.
Until then, we must continue to show consideration for our fellow human beings and observe the prescribed hygiene measures, as this is the only way we can quickly return to our accustomed everyday life.