While Corona keeps the world in breath, the environment seems to breathe a sigh of relief.
OPTIMUM is currently in the implementation phase and the workshop planned for beginning of March 2020 for further practical implementation of the results in the German industrial demonstrator at Demag in Wetter, had to be postponed for an unlimited time.
The partners continue to work remotely on OPTIMUM as far as possible, but many steps require the on-site involvement not only of a single partner but of several partners at the same time to move the project forward.
Most of the partners are working by now from home office, some had to stop operations for 4 weeks so far and others are in short-time work to different extents.
Every week the country coordinators exchange information about the status in their country and the situation of the respective project partners. We are very happy and grateful that all partners and their families are health wise doing well.
The presentation of the OPTIMUM project at the Hanover Fair by international project partners with mobile demonstrators, initially planned for April 2020, was postponed to July 2020 and finally cancelled completely by the country Lower Saxony at the end of March 2020. The consortium is currently evaluating participation in the Digital Hannover Fair.
Due to travel and work disruptions caused by Corona, the country coordinators are in exchange with their national authorities regarding a cost-neutral extension of the project duration. The target is to make up for the time lost by Corona and to achieve all project goals as planned and described.