After the opening of the DEMAG Research Factory in May 2019, we started with the planning and preparation of implementation workshops at DEMAG in Wetter - Germany to put the theoretical approaches into practice on the example of the Material Handling Demonstrator. Already in August 2019, two workshops lasting several days each, were organized and implemented at DEMAG in Wetter. This enabled the Consortium to demonstrate a first new OPTIMUM assistance function to a large audience already on the 'Customer-Day' and the 'Open House Day' - at the beginning of September 2019.
The fourth and the fifth multi-day workshops took place in Wetter from 12 to 14 November 2019 and in early February 2020 respectively. During these Face-to-Face-Meetings, information can be exchanged, and concepts can be coordinated with a high degree of efficiency. In the meantime, further functions of the demonstrator have been implemented and tested.
A workshop planned for week 12/20 - mid-March 2020 - had to be postponed due to risk reduction measures for COVID-19. The further planning is currently in progress.