On 13 March 2018, the International Kick-Off of the OPTIMUM research project took place at Demag Cranes & Components (formerly Terex MHPS) in Wetter (Ruhr). The consortium consists of 23 partner companies from 6 countries from the fields of industry, research and small and medium-sized enterprises:
Germany: Terex, Bosch Rexroth, NXP, Tarakos, Comnovo, Thorsis, Ifak, University of Rostock
Turkey: Ermetal, Erste, Dia, Galat24
Republic of Korea: Etri, Handysoft
Spain: Abalia, Visualtis, Nimbeo, Sotec, Answare, Ezeris, Magtel
Romania: Beia
United Kingdom: Centre for Factories of the Future (C4ff)
The project is supported by national funding organisations: In Germany by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), in Turkey by TÜBITAK (Turkish Institute for Scientific and Technological Research), in South Korea by KIAT (Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology) and in Spain by CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology).
The focus of the International Kick-Off was to get to know each other personally, to confirm the planned commitment to the project and to discuss the different work packages (8) with the respective contribution of the partner companies.
The following partner companies personally supported the International Kick-Off in Wetter: Demag, C4ff, Beia, Galata24, Ermetal, Bosch Rexroth, Comnovo, Tarakos, Erste, Thorsis, University of Rostock, Ifak, Dia and NXP.