On the 1st Ennepe/Ruhr Industrial Summit on 24 January 2020, hosted by Demag, Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) accepted the invitation of both chambers of commerce and the Ennepe Ruhr Economic Development Corporation and visited the Demag Research Factory in the course of this event. Before the summit opened, around 30 managing directors of established industrial companies in the Ennepe-Ruhr district were already able to gain an impression of the first results of the OPTIMUM project by informing them about the essentials of the OPTIMUM project, as well as the specially developed assembly process with already different function implementations.
Afterwards, the project team was able to also welcome Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze in the Demag Research Factory and presented to her the first results of OPTIMUM along with the corresponding assembly process. The team received a lot of positive feedback and got motivated to continue working on the vision of the project.