On March 14, 2019, almost exactly one year after the International Kick-Off, the first review of OPTIMUM by ITEA and the German project management organisation DLR took place in Hamburg. ITEA is a transnational and industry-led research, development and innovation (R&D&I) programme in the field of software innovation and a cluster programme of EUREKA, an intergovernmental network for cooperation in the field of R&D&I involving more than 40 countries worldwide. The DLR (German Aerospace Agency in Berlin) also participated in thereview and is the project management agency appointed by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) for OPTIMUM.
On behalf of ITEA, the review was conducted by P. Letellier (Vice Chairman), P. Jaring (Programme Coordinator), J. van Sas (Steering Group Reviewer from Nokia-Bell), P. Mills (Steering Group Reviewer from Thales), as well as the two representatives of the Project Management Organisation: A. von Schmidt and T. Ding.
Already on March 13, 2019 the rehearsal of the review took place, supported by our project mentor Dr. Maria Rimini-Döring from Bosch.
Contents of the review were, for example
1. project overview
2. state of the art science and technology
3. overview of the markets of the industrial partners
4. status of milestones and other scheduled results (deliverables)
5. the intensity and quality of the consortium's cooperation
6. challenges facing the consortium
7. main achievements to date
8. status of the work packages
9. activities in the field of dissemination
10. presentation of mobile demonstrators (Ifak, Comnovo, Tarakos, Etri, Handysoft)
11. descriptions and videos of planned demonstrators in industrial environments
These were very intensive days both in terms of project work and very nice social framework activities, such as the invitation of NXP to a large Hamburg harbour tour and dinner on a restaurant ship.